Saturday, September 30, 2006

This is my Illustration Friday entry for the topic quiet. Basically, just a really fastly done guasche painting of what nature will look like in only a few weeks. It should be quiet and I think this looks little quiet despite the bright colors that scream loudly in the background. It also reminds me of halloween. I love Fall. "Leaves fall down around me
They're smashing off my face
Like orange and yellow lights
I've entered a new place.
I've walked these streets 1000 times before
I never saw them this way
A perfect end and a new beginning
Every step of the way.
Colors seems so much more true
My eyes my be on fire.
Each step's vibration stabs into my soul
A tornado of light surrounds me
Picks me up off my feet
The world is just a flicker of light
It can't hold me anymore."
-the Fall Song


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