Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunday scribbling: Anticipation

Anticipation, the wait, the excitement, wonderment of the unknown. My future, what will it bring? Will it be graduation, a career, a change? A new home, financial security, less care for my next sip of alcohol? I anticipate everything that I'm unsure of and the feeling is exhilarating. Will I meet a man, make a family, keep my indivuality, grow into who I want to be? I don't know and I don't want to know. I am anticipating every thought, both sides, inside out, anticipation. Take my bunny and move to a new city, meet new people, come home for the holidays? I don't want to leave the family I have at school and I anticipate the sadness from knowing this is the last semester spending every second with them. I anticipate the time that we will try our hardest to push time back a little further every hour, but knowing that all the fun is making time speed up. I anticipate job interviews and starting at the bottom again and finding trendy work clothes. I anticipate working with clay in my spare time and starting a running program and bar hopping on busy streets. I anticipate all that is unknown about my future and my future is so unknown, I feel so much anticipation.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Illustration Friday's topic was Mask. When I see people put on lots of makeup I think of it as a mask. Don't get me wrong, though, thats okay. I wear eye makeup when I have the time to put it on, its pretty and enhancing. So, I decided to draw a quick sketch (no longer than 8 minutes) of this girl, no one in particular, who is about to put mascara on.
I wish was more patient with drawing because then I would fix up all these mistakes that I am not happy with in this picture. But, I'm in a mistakes are okay kind of mood.

I fall asleep with my friends around me
Only place I know I feel safe
I'm going to call this home.
-Jimmy Eat World-

Mixed Media Memoirs theme was Looking Back. Perfect time for me to look at back on this past semester. College has been one of the best rides I've been on so far. It was really hard to pick out which pictures of the past few months to put into this piece but I like my choices.

I love: Peanut Butter and Shelly, Danielle, Oh-knee, Jenna, Lauren, Steve, Matt, Janelle, Lay-lay, Mawy, Colleen, Paul, Janal Cheese, the boys, the interior architects, the casts of Nip/Tuck and the Office, and everyone else that I get to spend my days with here up at school.
One Deep Breath's topic is "Close Up".
I made this collage from photos captured at my cousin Jen's wedding. Its one of my favorite collages that I've made because I really feel that looking close up to each persons eyes really shows different stories. All different ages are in this collage. Most, but not all, are my family. And just for a side reference, my eyes are the ones on the left second down.

Telling their own tales
Yet holding everything inside
Come up close and see