Monday, August 14, 2006

Sunday Scribblings
Topic: What I Could Still Be

Sunday has passed but I'm new to this blogging thing. Its becoming a new thing to look forward to and a way to make sure I stay within my creative side of the brain. Studying Interior Architecture and Design the past few years has forced me to jump back and forth from left side to right side and in the middle. Graduating from college this spring and learning how to stand on my own two feet for the first time is going to be pretty scary for me. While learning how to survive independantly I want to make sure that I can still be the artist that I am, the companion that I can be, and the learner I will always be. This leads me pefectly into this week's Sunday Scribblings topic, What Could I Still Be...

I can still be an artist.
I can still be myself: a carefree, creative artist, even when I have to be a business woman in a competetive, innovative feild. Architecture may deal with codes, restrictions, other people's needs that they want and other people's needs that they might not even know they need. However, art, as a whole, has no boundries and encourages one to sink deeper into the medium and away from the world. Allows them to hide, disappear, discover, and come back with something new. Art forces you to get that insane side that everyone possess and express it to yourself and anyone you share it with. To go on a temporary vacation and show more than just pictures, show feelings and thoughts and visual emotions. I can still be the artist I always wanted to be without getting too sucked into my occupation.

I can still be a companion of all kinds.
I'll find Mr. Right someday. In fact, as soon as I'm more comfortable in my own skin, I'll start on a more extensive search to find him and maybe he'll be the one to find me. He wont take away who I am and he'll learn from me while I learn from him. I'll be a good friend, near or far, I'll make sure that my friends are in a good place, on the right track, and if they fall I'll give them my hand. I'll be a loving daughter to my mother and father who gave me everything from the cash I haven't earned, to the knowledge not taught in school. I'll be a mother to a child of mine own, to an adopted child, or to a pet. Whatever the case may be, someone innocent will count on me for a healthy survival. A business partner, collaborating my ideas with others into blueprint to renovate and restore ruins, to keep the beauty of a building whether it is physically present or taken away with the storm of nature or the storm of time.

I can still be a learner.
Just because graduation is less than a year away does not mean I'm finished learning. To continue trying new things means to keep living. So far, my list of after school learning is extensive but it will keep me from dulling out in life. Here are some things I'll continue to learn someday: glassblowing, ballroom dancing, Japanese language, bonfires, the endurance of running miles, jewelry making. Exploring through traveling or reading, jotting down these experiences, scrapbooking to look back on them and forward to more, sharing them with others.

An artist, a companion, and a learner. Three things that are more important to me than anything else and three things that I could still be now and later.


Blogger Laini Taylor said...

Welcome to Sunday Scribblings! (and to answer your question, no they don't have to come in right on Sunday. We usually post the prompt on thurs or fri and people start responding right away; we'll keep adding links after sunday, too, but too long after and we might forget to check.)

Your post is very earnest and heartfelt -- those are wonderful ambitions to carry through life, to continue to learn, always, and to nurture healthy relationships of every kind. Very solid goals. And the creativity too, of course!

9:11 AM  
Blogger Deirdre said...

What an exciting place to be - at the beginning of the adventure.

9:07 PM  

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